Use this form to request refunds for Cancelled or Postponed concerts from Covenant Festival. Currently affected: Covenant Toronto and Covenant Vancouver.

You have different options for your ticket. If you choose to receive a Refund, please submit the form. You can also submit the form to confirm if you wish to defer your ticket for a future event. Future possible events once allowed include a smaller scale Fall Festival in Vancouver in 2021. In 2022 and later, we will continue with the plans to host Covenant Vancouver, Covenant Montreal, Covenant Toronto.

The tickets are processed through The Invisible Orange. A concert promotion company in Western Canada. If you choose to defer your ticket, the value will also be made valid for any concert from The Invisible Orange.

We will obviously be offering refunds. Fear not. Plain and simple. We have your money, you didn't get an event, and if you'd like a refund you will get one. Please submit your request by February 28.

We are planning to orchestrate some sort of festival here in Vancouver during the fall. Normally, as you know, we love to do the big reveal, but with hope in our hearts, and a certain sentimentality driving us, we will reveal now that YES, we would very much like to an entirely local, but no less glorious event in the fall, possibly one that reoccurs several weekends in a row. We don't know more than that presently, but if you would

If you would like to continue to defer your ticket to a future event, we will honour it at any future Covenant event, anywhere in the world (Covenant Toronto, Covenant Vancouver, Covenant Montreal, etc)

If you have any other questions, please email [email protected] or call/text/WhatsApp +1 (604) 889-9672.